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The PDCA Cycle for Continuous Improvement

PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) is an iterative, four-stage approach for continually improving processes, products or services, and for resolving problems. It involves systematically testing possible solutions, assessing the results, and implementing the ones that have shown to work. It is based on the scientific method of problem-solving and was popularized by Dr W. Edwards Deming, who is […]

Short Selling: How It Works

In his book The Big Short, author Michael Lewis portrayed a cast of characters who warned of the impending housing crash. George Soros, for example, famously shorted the British pound in the early 1990s, making a $1.5 billion profit in latest news on crypto analysis a single month, according to one estimate. The prevalence in […]

Difference Between Fragmentation and Segmentation in OS

In paratomy, the organism will split at a certain point, and the fragments develop their tissues and organs. However, in architomy, the organism splits into various fragments, which develop into mature individuals. Fragmentation is found to occur in fungi such as yeasts and mushrooms. Plants such as ferns, mosses, and cyanobacteria also reproduce by fragmentation. […]